11th October 2023

It's your Time. It's your Turn to Rise.

Are you ready to hit the pause button for one day and make an investment in you that your future

self will thank you for?

This is the retreat for purpose-led women: women who yearn for something more, be that more time, more success, more growth, more control or more calm and are prepared to now invest in the time to reconnect with themselves.

Women who are running their own business who want to feel more aligned with their why, their purpose and do more of what lights them up.

You get to choose and design a life you love with the confidence to live it. You get to Become HER, the woman you aspire to be free of limitations, expectations and shoulds.

Live Experience


11th October 2023 | 9.00 - 4.30

Unlock a Day of Transformation


Imagine this: a single day that ignites lightbulb moments,
forever changing the way you think of and see your path ahead.

How would it feel to stand in control of your life,
empowered to place yourself and your dreams at the forefront of your decisions?

To finally put yourself first for once.


Emerge Empowered


By the end of this immersive day, you'll carry with you an
undeniable sense of control.

A sense of empowerment will course through your veins as you
boldly shape your life with decisions that align with who you really are.


Like many of you, I found myself trapped in the cycle of 'busy,' constantly prioritising others over my own needs. I knew there had to be more to life, and that realisation has led me to create VIP retreat days like this.

I've walked the path you're on, and I'm here to help you get unstuck and rewrite your own new story.

It's a new way of being. It's a new way of living.

You will get a flavour of the Become HER methodology that helps you heal and let go of old ways of thinking and stories you are telling yourself such as it is selfish to put yourself first. To rewrite your narrative with confidence and wisdom and reignite a future that excites you.

Sarah started working with the Become HER methodology when she

was feeling overwhelmed and stuck in her career.

Working through the programme, she left with renewed confidence, about her role and purpose in life , a clear sense of direction for a career change aligned with what matters to her most a

and a community of supportive women cheering her on.

She later landed her dream job and attributes her transformation to the insights gained in the methodology.

You too will get to experience similar results in just one day.

It is your time to create a life of balance, freedom and abundance in areas of health, wealth, legacy and destiny. To create a life you love with the confidence to live it.

I have been where you are and have lived the experience of endless working hours, prioritising any remaining time on the needs of others. Following the path of expectation instead of the path I was destined to follow. Surviving but not thriving. Stuck procrastinating, waiting for the right time to change. But you no longer need to feel like this. Join me for one day to discover how to create a life where you get to live your life and run your business with more intention and feel more alive.

Are you ready to make shifts happen

Are you caught in a career crossroads, tethered by financial concerns,

and yearning for a leap toward your dream business?

Do visions of starting your own business both excite and terrify you?

Beneath the hidden weight of endless to-dos, do you

sense untapped potential aching to break free?

Are feelings of confusion clouding

your path, distracting you from your true purpose?

Are you poised on the precipice of a career pivot, ready to shed

the confines of the corporate world and embrace a solopreneur's journey,

yet seeking the confidence, vision, and self-belief to bring it to life?

Are you an entrepreneur eager to redefine success in alignment

with your core values, lead with soul and purpose,

carving out precious moments for your own well-being?

A lifelong giver, do you now feel the time is right to grant

yourself the same care and consideration you've extended to others?

Is there a whisper in your heart, a longing to connect with

like-minded women on a journey of discovery,

pursuing love, wealth, health, purpose, impact, confidence, creativity, and spirituality?

Do you struggle to make decisions that are right

for you and use 'should' as your guiding principle?

Is there a girl inside of you screaming to be heard? Do you remember her?

What happened to her? Has life quieted her and she's lost her voice?

Answering YES to any of these resonates with your readiness

to take a bold step today, one that your future self will thank you for.

Join our community of women on a journey to

discover that girl inside and bring her back to life.

Together, we'll navigate the path towards embracing love, values

wealth, health, purpose, impact, confidence, creativity, and spirituality.

Imagine a life where you...

Connect with your tribe, are truly heard and commit to action alongside a supportive community of like minded women.  

Know who you are and where you’re heading: moving beyond standstill, stepping away from what no longer serves you and stepping towards a new purpose with confidence.  

Reclaim your time, find balance and using your feminine power qualities to discover the woman you have the potential to be . 

Get rid of the niggling voices in your head and give yourself permission to design your life and create your own terms, in alignment with what matters most to who you are today.

Grow your business to heights you never imagined possible by making just a few mindset shifts.

It is all possible.

Harness the power of inspired action with like-minded women on a similar journey of self-discovery.

These women are just like you - smart, determined and want more. Spend time with our retreat community in a gorgeous setting and take away inspired actions to support you personally and professionally. Building these meaningful connections will enable you to be truly heard and supported beyond the retreat day, via a lasting network of support and inspiration.

During one of my programmes, Jane shared a powerful moment of vulnerability with the group. This moment led to a profound connection among the other participants, and they continued to support each other long after the programme ended.

The Experience

I'll be hosting this intimate retreat day for a group of

amazing women who all have one thing in common:

a desire to create a life they love with the confidence to live it.

Moments of connection and empowerment are created at retreats.

Join us and create memories that last a lifetime

A Place to Pause

Mindful Meditations

Nourishing breakfast, lunch and refreshments throughout the day to fuel your soul

Closing celebration drinks

A Time to Rise

Releasing of Old Stories

Moving Beyond the Blocks Workshop with new coaching methodologies and strategies

Supportive community of like-minded women

A Toolkit for Life

Intention setting & commitment

to inspired action

Reigniting HER to Become HER Workshop

Your Blueprint for Lasting Change

The Take Aways

In addition to your signature Time to Rise gift bag...

You'll leave with a toolkit of practical strategies, propelling you to rise into 2024 with a renewed mindset and sense of purpose.  

You’ll be guided by your Become HER Blueprint: a strategic plan tailored specifically to you, addressing what has been standing in the way of your potential.  

You’ll be supported by the community of like minded women walking alongside you - a lasting network of support and inspiration.

Suzy will share coaching strategies that will give you the small steps you can take today to make big shifts in your future.


The Investment

Your early bird investment is £125 for

the full VIP Day Riverside Retreat Experience

Arrival from 9.00-9.30 am for breakfast. Finish by 4.30pm

11th October 2023 Riversdale Lodge, Bourne End Bucks

This includes:      

A full day of expertly guided high energy activities including meditations, visualisations, workshoping, lots of reflection and even some singing!    

Use of the luxury facilities on site  

Breakfast, lunch and refreshments    

Gift bag

(Accommodation is also available at the venue. Please reach out to me directly if this is of interest to you)

Become HER, a women you turns setbacks into comebacks and rises with unwavering strength, resilience and grace, re-writing her story so she lives a life filled with passion, purpose and joy.


You will learn the key shifts you can make to

instantly feel healthier, wealthier and wiser


My secret to manifesting all that you are looking for to

give you a life you love with the confidence to live it


Practical tools to grow your confidence, manage your

emotions and improve relationships with yourself

and others.


During the workshops we get into my

new model W.I.N – the Art of Winning at Life


An action plan that is your own unique personal

blueprint and strategy to guide you to Become HER !


This in-person day is perfect for you, if you need a

confidence boost & practical advice on how to

re-connect with the true essence of who you are so that you can:

✨Find more happiness

✨Be more present and at peace

✨Create more work life harmony

✨Find joy in the small things

✨Learn to put yourself first without guilt

✨Grow a values aligned, purpose led business

You will walk away a new YOU feeling Inspired, Empowered and Unstoppable

Hi I'm Suzy your Coach and Mentor

And I cannot wait to meet you on 11th October!

I'm no stranger to where you stand at this very moment. I've grappled with those feelings of self doubt, watching my goals drift further away all while recognising the urgency to manage my health and meet my own needs.

Which is why I have designed and created this one day retreat especially for women like YOU.

This retreat goes far beyond wellness and relaxation. While your wellness will certainly flourish, we're setting our sights higher—straight into the realm of resetting your mindset and co-creating you own personal life strategies. It's about immersing yourself in a day of discovery, one that propels you towards your dreams and aspirations, under the guidance of your tailor-made Become HER Blueprint.

But remember, the heart of this experience lies in being seen and heard, in collectively bidding farewell to those sabotaging limiting beliefs, antiquated stories, and annoying inner voices that are holding you back.

And even before your investment starts I'll be personally connecting with each of you, ensuring that your journey is tailored to your needs. So, envisage not just a retreat, but a connection of growth, unity, and individuality meticulously woven together to create a life-defining experience.

Come and Join Us.

We can't wait to meet you !


Your Riverside Retreat

I have chosen this venue because of the wonderful energy and tranquility. Riversdale Lodge echoes the balance of nature and luxury - a stunning Bourne End location with extensive gardens overlooking the River Thames.

There is even a Meditation Orb in the beautiful garden. The surrounding natural beauty provides the ideal space for deep connection and inspired action.  

There are beautiful rooms available if you would like an overnight stay.




⚡️Don't let the demands of everyday life hold

you back from prioritising your health and your potential.  

⚡️Say goodbye to those niggling voices that

keep telling you that you are not good enough.

⚡️This is your time to step forward with

unwavering confidence and inner calm.  

"Anna and Emma met through working with

Suzy and instantly connected over their shared

desire for growth. Their friendship blossomed

into a powerful support system that

continues to drive them forward in

their individual journeys."

This is your time to rise.

What can I expect from the Riverside Retreat experience?

The Riverside Retreat is a transformative day designed to empower you through self-discovery, workshops, connections, and guided activities. You'll gain insights, strategies, and a renewed sense of purpose to confidently pursue your goals. Expect a supportive community, impactful workshops, and a roadmap for personal and professional growth.

Is the retreat suitable for beginners or those new to personal development?

Absolutely! The Riverside Retreat is designed for women at all stages of their personal growth journey. Whether you're new to self-discovery or looking to deepen your understanding, our inclusive and supportive environment ensures everyone feels comfortable and empowered.

What if I can't commit to the entire day due to prior commitments?

I understand life can be busy. While I recommend fully immersing yourself in the retreat experience, I also believe in flexibility. Reach out to me with your scheduling concerns, and I'll work with you to explore options that allow you to make the most of the retreat.

How do I know if this retreat is right for me?

The Riverside Retreat is for all purpose-driven women seeking personal and professional growth, empowerment, and a supportive community. If you yearn for more clarity, confidence, and connections, this retreat is tailored to your journey.   Reach out to me directly if you have specific questions.

How can I ensure a welcoming and comfortable environment during the retreat?

Creating a welcoming and comfortable environment is my top priority. I will foster an inclusive atmosphere where all voices are heard and valued. You'll be surrounded by like-minded women who share your aspirations, making it easy to connect and engage. Plus, I am always available to address any concerns you may have.

copyright suzy malhotra 2023